Blood coagulation analyzer reagent choose depends on the purpose of assessment

Why to say Blood coagulation analyzer reagent choose depends on the purpose of assessment? Concrete analysis shown below:

Screening for complete independent of the methods used in the evaluation of reagent and blood clotting and reference reagent and instrument should be blood coagulation analyzer medical equipment (through the room between the quality evaluation plan evaluation is better.

Because the composition of screening reagent known, often use similar material reagents containing the comparison. Promote prothrombin kinase reagents should contain the same type of the tissue factor and the comparison of reagent, such as the restructuring and reorganization of reagent biochem biochem reagents, including brain tissue containing rabbit rabbit reagents with brain tissue reagent, at least to have the same ISI value. If necessary, the activation of content should also APTT match. If allowed, at least the new blood clots analyzer reagent for a reference blood clots analyzer test the same specimens.

If there are many sets of blood coagulation analyzer (such as the scale of the formal evaluation), should be based on the characteristics of the reagents (such as reagents are suitable ISI, is suitable for a technology) to select the reference blood coagulation analyzer. Not suitable for the same manufacturer with two blood clots analyzer for formal independent evaluation, especially these two blood clots analyzer using the same software and test methods. Reference blood clots analyzer in country used for routine should be measured, has been praised and evaluation results can be checked.

However conditions of laboratory usually use limited new blood coagulation analyzer reagent and the use of the method and contrast. Many users want to use the same series of blood coagulation analyzer to evaluate new blood coagulation analyzer to prove the results of comparable so it can use the same reagent and don’t change the reference range. And the users want to will not sensitive reagent (prothrombin detection, reagent ISI < 1.7) for sensitive reagent (ISI > 1.7); In this case detection methods and reference method with similar material is not the reagents are compared.



Article : From Perlong medical (
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